Friday, September 2, 2011

The Bottle Fairy

So, I will probably get disapproving looks from many people when I say that Jackson was still going to sleep with a bottle of milk at night.  I know, I'm a physician, how could I let my child 1-sleep with a bottle and 2- still use a bottle at the age of 2 1/2.  From the age of 9 months until 18 months, Jackson had a huge problem with recurrent infections and he would eat pretty poorly.  He choked because of  his huge tonsils and would drink tons of milk to get his caloric fill.  He would wake up every few hours wanting to drink and we would feed him multiple bottles of milk during the night.  When he got older, we just let him fall asleep with it.  We had successfully weaned him off the bottle at night at 15 months but while we were on vacation, he got another ear infection (despite having PE tubes in place) and was not sleeping well. We reintroduced the bottle and have been stuck with it ever since.  At first we waited until we fixed his infection issue, which was a tonsillectomy at 18 months. We hadn't put much effort into trying to get rid of it mostly out of the ease of getting him to bed.  We never gave it unless he asked for it but he always did.  But, last week we decided it was time for the death of the bottle.  We prepped him all week telling him the bottle fairy was coming to take it on Friday.  Saturday was our first night bottleless and he went to bed without any mention of it.  We thought "SUCCESS."  Sunday night wasn't so easy.  He cried (and not the fake cry he often does) and cried for his bottle.  When I told him the fairy took it, he told me to go to the store to get one.  I then tried another trick my mom told me, which was to cut the top of the nipple off.  He had such a relaxed content look when I handed him the bottle, took one sip, and blurted out as milk flooded into his mouth "I don't like this. Get me the right one."  I didn't give in and finally he went to sleep.  The remainder of the week involved some mild crying each night and asking us to "get the bottle back from the fairy,"  but we have made it all week with no giving in.  Now, if we could just have success with potty training, all will be good.

Duathlon update:
So, it was a busy week at work and between our schedules it was tough for me to fit in my workouts. I sadly missed a workout and it was the halfway point (24/48 days), where I was hoping to celebrate.  Well I got back on track and hopefully won't miss anything else.  Brian was able to stay on schedule this week.
Day 22: Bike 60 minutes...complete
Day 23: Rest...complete
Day 24: incomplete
Day 25: Run 15, Bike 30, Run 15...complete

Hopefully, the rain stays away this weekend as we are heading up north and are hoping to get some cycling while up there.  3 more weeks until the duathlon and I do not feel ready yet.  The next two weeks are much heavier workouts so hopefully that will get us where we need to be.

Have a great Labor Day Weekend!

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